[Interview With Jim Cuddy]

[Q] What kinds of tips can you give kids of what they can do in their daily lives of what they can do to keep our waters, lakes and oceans clean?
[A] Well, I guess you can re-tool a household, and our household is re-tooled. We have the water savers in the toilets, and, [even though it's] frustrating, on the showers. We use phosphate free dish washing [detergent], and stuff like that. I guess it's kind of strange in Toronto, because there is a good water filtration system, so I'm not sure volume is actually a big deal, as much as it's how much pollutant we use in our household that ultimately ends up in the land. I guess that's what everybody has to do; my kids are pretty informed [about that] and they push us, we don't throw batteries out, we try not to put things in the land fill that are going to get into the water table.

© 1991 Desert Rose Productions Inc.
Eddy the Eco-Dog® is a registered trade mark.