[Interview With Jim Cuddy]

[Q] What style of songs do you get the most response from, and how do you decide which songs are keepers?
[A] Well, the style of song that gets the most response kinda depends on where it is; if it's in a bar where everybody's drinking and wanting to dance, then maybe a slow song doesn't have as much impact as it might have in another setting [say] in a concert setting. I like to make people dance and energize people, but I also like in the concert setting, just to have the ability to play something where my voice is very sensual, and you can just hear it in the room. I think that a song has to be absorbing to be a keeper. If it sort of fades and I'm not interested in it while I'm writing it, then I usually just drop it; and maybe it'll come back in another form. It should have some kind of emotional connection for me, and if it does, then I'm anxious to finish it; I'm anxious to live in the landscape of the song and to continue going until I've described everything I need to in that landscape.

© 1991 Desert Rose Productions Inc.
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