[Interview with Jim Cuddy]


My cool friends from the Student Advisory Board helped me interview singer/songwriter Jim Cuddy of Blue Rodeo. We asked him all sorts of questions about his career and about taking care of the environment. His answers were totally awesome!

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What did you listen to when you were a kid, and who influenced you?
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How old were you when you wrote your first song, and how has your style of song writing changed?
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Where are your most inspiring places to write songs?
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What is your favorite song that you wrote, and did you ever record it?
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You've been talented enough to be part of a successful band, Blue Rodeo. All in Time is your first solo album; is there much more freedom doing an album on your own?
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What is your favorite song on your new album, All in Time?
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What style of songs do you get the most response from, and how do you decide which songs are keepers?
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One environmental concern is water pollution. What is your opinion on the state of toxins in our waters and oceans?
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What kinds of tips can you give kids of what they can do in their daily lives of what they can do to keep our waters, lakes and oceans clean?
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How can being a musician be incorporated into helping taking care of our planet?
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What to you is the most rewarding part of being a musician?
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So, who do you sit up at night and listen to?
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If you hadn't become such an amazing musician, what do you think that you would be doing right now?

© 1991 Desert Rose Productions Inc.
Eddy the Eco-Dog® is a registered trade mark.