What else?

I can remember being very excited when we got out of the van just before the elevator that takes you up to the 153í level of the shuttle, what we call the white room to go in. Instead of turning left at the elevator, my pilot, John Baker and I turned to the right and walked around the bottom of the shuttle. We really had the impression that the shuttle was alive. It moved in the wind you could hear the hissing of the gases coming out of the top of the shuttle. And the movement in the wind actually made it creak as it went back and forth and it was hard to believe that in just a few seconds you were going to be sitting on this 7,000,000.3 lbs of thrust being catapulted into space. And it is a very exciting feeling. I thought maybe I would be afraid but I found out on the first launch is that what actually happens that the excitement and just the fact that you are so happy to be there displaces the emotion of fear. And even though it stays in the back of your mind because you know that it is risky business, you're just so happy to be there you take in all the data and you just enjoy the ride.

© 1991 Desert Rose Productions Inc.
Eddy the Eco-Dog® is a registered trade mark.